Listening: am watching "The Blues
Brothers" (the Nazis just jumped in the river)
Reading (perhaps quality): Just finished
"Turtle Moon" by Alice Hoffman. Was okay - the dreamy way
she writes suited my mood today.
Reading (definitely pulp): the pulpy in
texture yet quality in writing Washington Post.
Drinking: extra extra strong coffee. Maybe
too strong. Bleh.
September 1, 2002
6:43 pm
School's already started again at
Cal; I'm no longer the new person at work. Feel like I just got here,
but it's been three months now.
It is already September? How the heck
did that happen?

Well, the phone's fixed. At first things
didn't look good but it turned out to be a problem with the jack - some
stripped copper wiring thing. All I know is now my phone is beautiful
clear. It's amazing. And almost worth being trapped in the apartment
Once the repairman left I ran in the
shower, met up with Marie for dinner at a yummy woodgrill restaurant
in Clarendon, and then went to go see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".
Good conversation and a very funny movie made for a great (though late)

SS the SS called yesterday - she's moving
out here at the end of the week and needs a place to crash until she
finds an apartment. I offered to let her stay once it became certain
she was coming - with the one bedroom I have plenty of space and we're
already used to sharing an apartment. Looking forward to her being in
DC, glad to be able to help her get settled in the area.

So nothing really new to report - all's
well and nothing's really going on and after all the excitement at work
lately I can't say I'm unhappy to have some peace. I hope this calm
continues through the fall.
Knock on wood.

Doing (life and related tasks): Did laundry,
beat the rugs, cleaned the bathroom, put up curtains, assorted other
Doing (crafty stuff): Trying to teach myself
to do a cable knit but it keeps turning out funky and tight. Need to
figure out what I'm doing wrong...
Wanting: nothing right now.
Anticipating: SS the
SS coming next week, putting together my furniture with Foster
and Fabian, gathering D
and whoever else is around for drinks and catching up, doing more work
on the September 11th online exhibit for work.