Listening: Escape, by Rupert Holmes
is on right now. Otherwise for the last couple of days its been Selena,
some old Motown, and Sleater Kinney. Yes I know I need some new sounds
in 2005.
Reading (perhaps quality): Slogging through
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. Or should I say studiously
avoiding reading Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak?
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
December 30, 2004
8:15 pm
Looking at the year... sigh. Don't
get me wrong, there was lots of great great things and I love my family
and friends but after reviewing the events at dinner last night with
Heather I feel like 2004 has been about getting
some lessons learned, setting up for an even better 2005.
At least I hope so.

Vegas! and Flu! (January) - New Years rocked and
the rest of the trip to Vegas followed suit. The best part of the trip
was hanging out with my girls, the boys and the booze were just icing.
Then when I got back I spent four days sick with the flu. Haven't been
that sick in a long time but thanks to Foster
giving me supplies I made it through. The funny bit about it all? I
would wake up from my fever haze to find catnip mice all around me,
due to Anna leaving them for me as a get well
Kings A-licious (January) - I threw
the second annual Three Kings Day party jointly with SS
the SS. The party was a success (good cake, tons of people, friends
making new friends) and it felt great to have a tradition going.
London, baby, London (February) - A great trip
to England with Tess and Jen.
Got to catch up with them, see some things I hadn't before (Greenwich,
Portobello Road), do some shopping, and laze around the joint a bit.
London's a blast and it was great to be there with these deceptively
wild old friends.
Flowers and so on (February to August) -
The lower-case-r-relationship didn't start with the flowers-of-mystery
(actually met him at my Three Kings Day party) but that's about the
time it actually got going anywhere. He's a great guy and it was a good
six months but the best part was/is how much it all taught me. Not the
least of which is that I don't want to date any more conservative republican
Much much family (June) - Crawdads and babies and
family, oh my! Went out to California in early June for several family
and friend celebrations, capped off with a crawfish boil and more Louisiana
relatives than I'd seen in a long long time. Wonderful to connect with
all of them, am always amazed with their generosity warmth and kindness.
The big 3-0 (July) - Don't feel like life is over
and am excited to see what the next decade brings and lets me achieve.
But I'd be lying if I said that leaving my 20's wasn't a big adjustment.
Luckily I have amazing friends who threw me parties that involved not
one but two piñatas filled with candy and miniature liquor
bottles. I just hope that digital video of me funneling a beer doesn't
get out anywhere.
Bon voyage (July) - Imagine 8 months where your
best friend just has to leave town and be a globetrotter. Welcome
to my world. It has been tragic being here in DC without her but thank
goodness for e-mail, occasional phone calls, and years and years of
friendship that can make any distance bridgeable.
On the camino (September) - Two weeks
on the camino to Santiago de Compostela was amazing. Physically it was
a workable challenge, spiritually it moved me, and emotionally it changed
and then reworked me back together in a way I wouldn't have anticipated
but am now grateful for. Couldn't have asked for better traveling companions
than my fellow peregrinos SS the SS and Thali.
Leadership and more (November) - Started
my new position in the library's Leadership Development Program. Its
been a couple of months of orientation, training, and more evaluation
of my professionalism and skills than I've had in my entire career.
Am looking forward to my projects next year and seeing where this whole
experience takes me.
Goodbye, Grandma (December) - My grandmother
on my dad's side passed away on the 24th ending her struggle with cancer
and depriving all of us more time with her sweetness and warmth. Miss
her, love her - already and always.

A lot more happened than the above,
with other people enriching and changing my life in all over the place.
But the year's about to end and I've got things to get crackin' on.
Best wishes and much love luck and joy in 2005 to all!

Doing (life and related tasks): Finishing
up a few things at work, reflecting on the last year.
Doing (crafty stuff): Remade a scarf, packaged
up some others to give to charity looking for hand made cold-weather
Wanting: My grandmother healthy and back.
Barring that, some truly good times this weekend.
Anticipating: New Years Eve, what else?