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The Collection of Absolutes

Because I hate, absolutely hate, losing an archive of something that's easily saved.


March 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 19 2003; 6:33 am
Note: For the first time heard reveille from the army base across the street. Taps at 11, reveille at 6:30 - sounds reasonable to me.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 19 2003; 10:16 pm
Note: Been watching television since 9:47 when TB called to say we'd started bombing Iraq. Bush will start speaking any second but am not sure I'm ready for it all to be real yet. Am much more comfortable with the unreal empty early morning images of Baghdad than hearing the president confirm that yes this really is happening.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 21 2003; 6:21 am
Note: It's the first day of spring, supposed to get up to 75 degrees, and yet they said something about there being a chance of hail. Though all the snow and cold weather we've had had been tiresome at least it made sense - this current bout of big temperature shifts is much more Californian.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 22 2003; 9:11 am
Note: Salt and B are asleep on my couch and I'm just about to call Fabian so we can get things started for D's big bachelorette day. Should be fun - wine and gossip followed by beer and still more talk.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 29 2003; 7:16 pm
Note: Back from NM, almost back into my everyday life here.


April 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 1 2003; 7:22 am
Note: No jokes, please, today. Life's been disorienting enough on it's own lately.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 3 2003; 7:00 am
Note: It is supposed to be 79 degrees today. 79. It was snowing on Sunday, people. Damn. I can't believe that I used to say that DC weather made sense.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 6 2003; 2:14 pm
Note: Gorgeous weather out, spent the morning with TB, had brunch with Bibi, Foster just made me a fantastic mix CD, I'm getting work done, the windows are open and I may even have time for a nap later. Life is darn good.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 10 2003; 8:49 pm
Note: Just got back from CHI. Had a great time - most of the sessions were great, some fairly rocked my (professional) world, the weather was phenomenal, our poster was well received, and seeing my folks from Berkeley was just wonderful wonderful. Despite all that, it is great to be back, though.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 17 2003; 10:51 pm
Note: I'm stressed about all there is to do at work, my taxes are finally done, and my grandmother passed away. Put those in reverse order and you'll get an idea of what I've been thinking about the last week or so.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; April 25 2003; 2:35 pm
Note: Clean living makes for boring stories. Have been busy with work, hanging out with people, and teaching myself how to cook.


May 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; May 18, 2003; 5:22 pm
Note: Finally, almost-a-federal employee! The permament job starts today (the start of the pay period).

Dateline: Arlington VA ; May 19, 2003; 8:38 pm
Note: Got my badge at work and spent the day wallowing in RealMedia documentation trying to get those videos to play without buffering overmuch. No luck with the tech work, but my new badge is so gorgeous and the day was so sunshiny I just couldn't get grumpy.


June 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; June 11, 2003; 9:35 pm
Note: There's a pouring, gorgeous Washington thunderstorm going on outside. The sound of the rain is mixed with the traffic on Route 50 but the flashes of lightning are nothing like anything else. Wow. Summer is definitely here.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; June 16, 2003; 10:35 pm
Note: Between Am's shower and Tess's wedding have been home only out of the last nine nights. Though I love seeing my family, it's very nice to be home at least for a little bit.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; June 23, 2003; 10:02 pm
Note: Book shopping for Hug's birthday, dinner with Marie tonight. Erin McKeown's playing, I'm mid-way through a pedicure and going to bed in a half an hour.


July 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; July 7, 2003; 4:51 pm
Note: Woo hoo. Went to the doctor and turns out I have bad cold not bronchitis. I now have multiple cold and allergy drugs coursing through my system and feel less sick and a little loopy. Thank goodness I don't own an automobile.


August 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 1, 2003; 9:53 pm
Note: Keith and Bug are driving down to pick Hug up and take her back to CT. Originally they were going to get here at 9:30. Then 11:30. And since they just called and they just got on the Jersey Turnpike I suspect they won't be here for a while yet.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 9, 2003; 11:24 am
Note: There's some Alanis and Ani on in the background and I'm playing Solitaire. Take a guess what happened.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 17, 2003; 9:02 pm
Note: Got back from Dewey earlier tonight - had a great time scoring a great tan and lots of fun times/good stories with the girls.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 21, 2003; 10:17 pm
Note: Foster and Fabian got engaged on Sunday - a belated congrats to the two of them!

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 23, 2003; 2:38 pm
Note: Developed laringitis this morning - can't talk at all. It's actually kind of peaceful, quiet. And annoying.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; August 28, 2003; 9:35 pm
Note: Day six of this laryngitis and I'm hoping I'm on the mend. My voice is a honk, making me sound like an adolescent boy. Very sexy.


September 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 9, 2003; 10:27 pm
Note: This fall design is pop art gone wrong but I figure I'll live with it for a few days. It just seemed to early for leaves, with summer not quite gone.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 13, 2003; 8:56 pm
Note: Damn damn damn. Planned to get a cat today and the landlords have said it was fine but the place needs something in writing and I just checked the lease fine print (assuming it would echo what the landlords said) but it says that the landlords need to give it in writing so it's no gatito for me today. Damn damn damn.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 14, 2003; 2:41 pm
Note: A laaaaaaaazy day of reading and furniture building. Bliss.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 18, 2003; 9:45 am
Note: With Hurricane Isabel on the way there's a sense of impending doom all around. I guess it's off the coast of NC now but here in DC the sky is grey and the winds getting stronger and stronger. Metro's closed, work's closed and though we get dire weather reports all of the time this seems to be the real thing.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 19, 2003; 8:43 pm
Note: Am on my way out for the evening but just wanted to let the fam know that I'm okay. Crashed last night at D and Fergus' - we lost power at 3:30 and hung out for the evening grilling, drinking, playing cards, and watching the wind and rain. It's great how good friends can make even a hurricane (better than) liveable.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; September 28, 2003; 9:41 pm
Note: The cat's asleep on the couch. Thanks to C&B finally delivering things and my Dad's amazing furniture assembling abilities my apartment's almost put together. I'm ready to go to sleep.


October 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; October 13, 2003; 10:32 pm
Note: Grandpa Elmer died last week and I got back from Abilene yesterday. Can't believe he's gone, there's a lot to miss about that man.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; October 22, 2003; 10:32 pm
Note: I'm tired but laundry's done. Wow, that's boring looking.


November 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; November 2, 2003; 2:02 pm
Note: The weather is absolutely gorgeous outside. Scandalously beautiful with sunshine and no humidity. After a few late late nights I only wish I were more awake to enjoy it.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; November 19, 2003; 10:45 pm
Tired of not saying anything and still wanting not to say too much. And yeah, feeling exhausted. But generally really happy. That's how I am right now.


December 2003

Dateline: Arlington VA ; December 29, 2003; 9:19 pm
The apartment's like a million degrees with only one radiator on. Don't know how my cat is surviving but I'm in shorts and a tank top with all of the windows open. It's December, people. December. Sheesh, I'm from California and all but this is ridiculous even to me!


January 2004

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 3, 2004; 2:59 pm
Dear. God. Vegas was fun. Way too much fun. Came back with the flu (after 3 days/4 nights of no sleep, much drinking, being around a million people and did I mention no sleep it's no wonder) but thankfully none of the 12 of us got married, put in jail, or pregnant. We think.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 5, 2004; 10:24 pm
Still sick. The fever and delerium have gone (I shudder to think what I've said to people who've called the last couple of days) but I still can't eat at all and the hacking cough I've got is disturbing even my usually unflappable cat. But I'm on the mend (I think) and hoping to get better by manana.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 13, 2004; 10:24 pm
Was out at dinner and drinks with Bibi tonight - a great time made even better by my realization that for the first time since I got back from Vegas I no longer feel actively sick. Huzzah! And though I haven't written about it yet the Three King's Day Party SS the SS and I threw on Sunday was fab -- had about 40 people in my apartment, Anna didn't freak, everyone had a good time, and the last stragglers left at 10:30 after cleaning everything. Talk about perfect.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 15, 2004; 10:13 pm
Have been pondering the design for this year's Valentines and for inspiration have been listening all of the sappy romantic song channels on Netscape radio. It's a vain hope, that something from Guns 'N Roses ("Patience" is playing right now) or the Jackson 5 could light my fire, but I've learned that there's no knowing when the muse'll hit. I do know she'd better hurry up - would like to get them finished within the next week so that they can go in the mail and actually arrive on time.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 25, 2004; 9:48 pm
The 25th? How the hell did it get to be so late in the month already? Anyways, the valentines for this year are almost done (need to do about 10 more and gather addresses for some newbies), work has been good but crazybusy, have been able to catch up with a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while, finished a hat for Jen's-Friend's-Baby, finished a hat for me (much needed in this freezing weather), and am working on one for Bug's birthday next month. So life is good, health is good, spirits are good - all's definitely good.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; January 27, 2004; 10:35 pm
Have modified my google rant entry to tone it down a bit. Sorry if I freaked anyone out - there had just been a number of situations lately where it had come up and my patience was a bit frayed. Besides rampant self indulgence the whole purpose of this is to put out what I'm thinking so I'm in no position to criticize if people actually take the time to read. But I'm now thinking of tossing in seed stories and big lies for fun. You know: religious conversions, freak accidents, interesting new haircolors ... to see if anyone asks. Could be interesting.


February 2004

Dateline: Arlington VA ; February 01, 2004; 09:41 pm
Got back this afternoon from visiting HK up in New York this weekend. A great time of course - shopping (got some dangerous shoes at Saks, lip venom at Sephora, etc), beauty treatments (manicure and pedicure), gossip (have known her since college so there's tons to talk about), and nightlife (blender drinks at her place beforehand and all manner of wackiness when we were out later). Not that I live some kind of ascetic existance here, but it's fun to glam it up every once in a while.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; February 16, 2004; 09:27 pm
Back from London yesterday. Had a great time - less raucous than Vegas but I don't think I could have handled two trips like that so close together. Couldn't afford to buy anything but got a ton of good pictures.

Dateline: Arlington VA ; February 19, 2004; 09:33 pm
Still have no idea who dropped off those flowers but they do look and smell gorgeous...

Dateline: Arlington VA ; February 21, 2004; 06:45 pm
Yes they really were for me - thursday evening finally found out who left the mysterious flowers. E-mail me if you're curious.


March 2004

Dateline: Arlington VA ; March 7, 2004; 10:01 pm
Note: Leather Pants Party last night was fun ; today had a great hike/walk/amble over at Fort Washington with Fabian, and SS the SS et al ; really need to straighten up my apartment -- all in all a normal type weekend.

a m.   just a m




everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page



all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.