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March April |
I admit it,
I read my horoscope most days. But as the owner of four sets of tarot
cards I have my doubts about the mystic nature of prognosticating/prognosticators.
Horoscopes seem true after things happen, after you've forgotten the parts
that didn't mesh so I thought I would take my weekly horoscope, see what
I thought of it before the week happened and then compare it to what actually
This Valentine's Day will see you shine as a role model for romance. Before - This should be interesting - as of right now my Friday night will either be with a guy-I-like-and-have-been-seeing-for-a-couple-of-months-but-don't-completely-know-how-things-stand-with or with a bunch of girlfriends-talking-about-how-men-are-sometimes-lovely-but-often-annoying. I mean I guess either could be a role model for romance - but for seeking it or avoiding it? After - Spent it with the boy and had a really good time. That's all y'all need to know... Look for a financially secure message to reach you this weekend. Before - Wait? The message is financially secure? Or I'll be more financially secure after getting this message? Woo hoo! Looking forward to that! After - No idea what this was about. Maybe with the snow it got delayed? A bit more passion than you bargained for is offered on Thursday, but make sure you aren't becoming too indiscriminate with your associations. Before -Have no plans to go out on Thursday night but maybe I should make some. "... more passion than [I] bargained for"? Does this mean I talk to a guy and he sends me his severed ear? And "... indiscriminate with [my] associations"? Is my horoscope saying I'm slutty? I'm offended! After - No hot loving but there I found myself reacting more strongly to a situation than I would have liked (and that's passion, I suppose). It actually gave me quite a bit to think about - usually bombast doesn't get under my skin that way. Any travel this week is greatly favored, especially if you need to learn a bit about taking chances on open-ended agendas. Before - Woo Hoo! (I'm going to Graceland (well to Memphis, TN) this week so travel is in my plans. And the agenda is open-ended - all I know is what time the plan leaves and when we get back. The rest is yet in-the-air. So far so good... After - Went away and had a great time. Not too much flexibility was required though - Tom and Agnes took luxurious care of us! Friday evening is especially good for a date and some romance, and Saturday will be the best day to begin tackling long-unfinished business. Before - No dates for me on Friday, at least not with the guy I'm dating (I'll be away and he won't be on the trip). If there's romance to be had I certainly won't be one of the people having it. As for the "long unfinished business" I'm intrigued - and a little frightened. I mean, spending the weekend with people I went to High School with there is a lot of ground we could cover. After - I hope some other Cancer had a nice night of romance because although it was a good weekend there was nothing lovey about it. Look to consolidate a lot of energy into focused tasks after the middle of the week. Before -Just as well, as with the holiday and the snow I won't be heading into work until mid-week (Wednesday). Today I did get a lot of work done (cleaning and laundry and cooking, oh my!) but have much to do at work starting manana.) After - Work was crazy as soon as I got back and hasn't let up since... A New Moon always has you feeling very tender and open, like a new seedling that is just about to make its way through the earth into the light. This New Moon is in Pisces, and this coincides with a new vibration that is making itself felt. Before - Started this last weekend feeling a bit of a bad attitude but I could see that as a part of feeling "tender and open". Will have to listen to see if I feel any new vibrations. After - A few uncertainties that have been bothering me (with work, family, friends, etc) have begun to clear up. Nothing's better than it was last week but I can see how things are starting to get more stable. There is still a lot of activity associated with your job, especially at the start of the week when a piece of news may motivate you to take some decisive action. Before - Work has been really busy - got placed on yet another project this last week and the major one I'm working on has gone into high high gear. There are a couple of areas that could use adjustment though. After - Not sure what the decisive action was but things are moving forward with the job and the presentation on Friday went fantastically well. It now seems possible to turn a wonderful dream into reality. Before - I have a lot of wonderful dreams - relating to work, family, finances, security, love, whatever. After - Don't feel like there's been a big shift in any of them. You love the idea of having a home, and yet your
home is not so much a collection of bricks and mortar, but more of an
emotional state. If you are at home with yourself you could almost be
at home anywhere. As Uranus is moving into the area of your chart associated
with long distance travel and with the broadening of your horizons,
you may get the urge to uplift your roots and move to a new area, or
even a new country. You'll appreciate the benefits that you could gain
from a change of scene. Before - First of all - don't
appreciate how these babies are getting increasingly vague; the first
two sentences sound positively fortune-cookie-esque. But have been avoiding
making my travel arrangements for a conference and three weddings and
need to just book plans and hotels before any more time passes. But
moving permanently? Things with the job have been moving slowly so considered
starting/expanding my job search out of the DC area - maybe that's what
it means? After - Made only one set of travel plans this week
but over the last week have moved into some new psychological territory.
Some emotionally exhausting dreams have left me feeling drained but
grounded for the first time in a long time. Amazing how catharsis can
be effective, even if just in one's head. Besides that have been cleaning
my apartment - not a change of scene really but the place does look
better. There is a Full Moon this week, which you probably would have known about anyway, without anyone having to tell you. It falls in Virgo, so you might find yourself feeling very emotional about certain communications that you receive or that you need to make. Try not to overreact to anything unsettling, as the chances are that you will feel quite differently in a few days time. The Sun and Mercury are moving through Pisces, and encouraging you to do some active research into new options. Before - These are so friggin vague I have no idea where to go with this. Trying not to overreact seems like good advice any time, as does trying to see new ways to solve problems. Will just take this as a warning for the week and hope for a better fortune next week. After - I guess it's the full moon and certain physical factors that have turned me into such a basket case? I hope so because then it'll be over soon. It's been a lack, not a presence, of communication that's gotten me conclusion-jumping. That and my tendency to think that I can guess people's deepest emotions from the barest of hints. So I should relax, eh? Not overreact, you say? Already have in my thoughts if not my actions. And while the thoughts I've been having may be exagerated that doesn't means I can't deal with some of the sore spots that triggered them. The Sun and Mercury continue to brighten up your
career outlook and give you the opportunity to drum up more business.
You are well aware of what needs to be done and are able to apply yourself
with vigor. Mercury trines Jupiter early in the week, so use the extra
confidence that you are able to muster to strike it lucky, or make that
wonderful sale. Midweek, when Mercury squares Mars, is not so good for
meetings or appointments in which you are hoping to win a contract.
Just be alert. Before and After - was away in NM when
this came out and I can't remember what I would have thought about it
before. With my grandmother being so ill and my unexpected trip and
all that being so important the career stuff just pales. Did have my
job interview on Thursday - since it was after Wednesday I hope that
doesn't mess things up too much. A New Moon in your house of career gives you the green light to initiate changes. The start of the week is best for this, as you can take advantage of the waxing energy of the Moon to help you with anything you begin. Mercury continues in this part of your chart until the end of the week, when it moves into Taurus. You still have plenty of time to make use of its influence to help you with further deals, or where negotiation is required in arrangements with clients or colleagues. Before - Had the job interview last week so hopefully the move into a new job is the kind of change they're talking about. Otherwise, work-wise, this week looks to be more about finishing old business.
You will be feeling wide-eyed as usual this week with a Full Moon in Libra. You might decide to entertain people at home, or do some serious spring-cleaning. Venus makes a square to Saturn, which can coincide with a temporary cash shortage or with a need to spend some time alone. You might not be in quite as convivial a mood as usual. But don't worry, it won't last too long. Partners may seem a little on edge, and this might not be the best of times to go on a date, or pursue a new affair. Response - definitely on for the spring cleaning - between the two trips to NM and the one trip to CHI over the last few weeks I've been home only long enough to get my apartment messy (certainly not enough to get it clean). With my grandmother's death last weekend I have been wanting some time alone - talking about her thinking about her both comforts and pains me. Glad to hear they say it won't last long. And as for the on edge partner? I really hope not because right now am not in a overly understanding mood.
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all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.