boxes and circles


boxes and circles

Listening: An old episode of "Law and Order" that I've already seen.

Reading (perhaps quality): Goffman's "Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life". At least it's in my bag.

Reading (definitely pulp): Almost done with the Bertrice Small trashy romance.

Drinking: Cheap red wine.

July 17, 2002
10:04 pm

Talullah picked my things up from the exbf yesterday. It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

A few weeks ago the exbf and I arranged to meet up last Saturday (the 13th). I moved into the apartment on Friday so Saturday seemed like a good time to get my things and settle up. He didn't give me a time to get there, but we'd said "morning" and he ended with "see you then" so I assumed we were all settled.

Well, when Lulu and I got there Saturday morning we called up to the apartment, no answer. Called him on his cell phone, no answer. We went to lunch and 45 minutes later and called him again, still no answer.

Got to work on Monday and found an e-mail from the exbf dated Friday asking me to call him to confirm. I e-mailed back saying I'd been out of the office on Friday and didn't get his e-mail until that day, and since he wasn't able to be there on Saturday was there a time he could arrange to be home? He responded saying sorry about the mix-up and sure I could come by and get my things at 7am before he left for work.

I rolled my eyes (I'm barely up at 7 am much less at work and the exbf knows me well enough to know that) and called Talullah. She asked what I hoped to get out of the meeting. Besides my stuff? I wasn't sure. She asked if I thought anything good could come out of it? I said nothing really. She then offered to take care of it for me. Since she's got a car and the exbf was being so jerky I took her up on it.

So she got the stuff yesterday after work. A big bag of books, some laundry, a couple of photos and my service award from the FDIC. Said that the conversation was light, I didn't ask for details and she didn't offer any. I like my life, my mind here and now without him in it, would like to keep it that way.

asterix bar

The second day of training rocked, but hanging out with Tess and Troy rocked even more. Tess and I were doing our standard Wednesday meeting, she called earlier and asked if Troy could come along. So the three of us did dinner and a movie - good conversation (the two of them crack me up), good fun.

a m.   just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Second day ofd the XML course, the dinner (Mexican) and a movie (The Importance of Being Earnest) with Tess and Troy.

Doing (crafty stuff): Looking through my new knitting books.

Wanting: Nothing right now.

Anticipating: getting a haircut and brow wax, a whole day of hanging out with Marie, and the Jonatha Brooke concert on Saturday.

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all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.

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