Listening: "Orange Crush" by Rose Polenzani, and the sound of the air conditioner desperately trying to cool the apartment.

Reading (perhaps quality): The stack of Washington Posts from the weekend away.

Reading (definitely pulp): Just finished "Into the Darkness" by Barbara Michaels and "Black and Blue" by Anna Quindlen.

Drinking: water.

August 4, 2002
9:59 pm

Had an awesome weekend away. Beth and Scott's wedding was amazing (we wedding party folk had a limo, manicures, pedicures, makeup, and hair done before hand; cocktail hour, fabulous reception, and dancing afterwards; gorgeous ceremony, their vows made Marie and I cry they were so romantic), Marie and 3-String were a blast, and Marie's parents were phenomenally welcoming (feeding and watering us at every opportunity). Will write more about the wedding once Scott's mom posts her photos, but safe to say it was incredible - both as a guest and participant.

a m.   just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): recouping from the relaxing weekend away.

Doing (crafty stuff): continuing with my collage walls, maybe making some curtains?

Wanting: The air conditioner to finally cool things down here.

Anticipating: getting back to real life here.

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