Listening: the last bits of "Who's
Line is it Anyway?"
Reading (perhaps quality): started a book
mom leant me about Berkeley High, called "Class Dismissed",
I think.
Reading (definitely pulp): finished "Needful
Things" by Stephen King but it's still in my backpack and I haven't
put anything else in yet so I reread parts on the metro.
Drinking: semi-flat diet pepsi.
August 20, 2002
10:56 pm
The cross town commute is a pain, but
there are some advantages to working near the Marine Barracks. This
morning on my way to work I saw the most beautiful man on his morning
run - dark skin slick with sweat, amazing muscle definition, moving
swiftly and smoothly in the early morning cool. Hot damn. Wouldn't have
wanted to actually be near him (sweat is nicer at a distance) but it
was a pleasant early morning sight.

Have been away from the computer for
a bit. Mom was visiting last weekend, then
last night I meant to write after I just laid down for a minute. Yeah
- a minute that began at 7 pm and ended at 1:30 am. Got up then for
an hour and a half - read, watched some tv, vegged out, had some dinner,
then went back to sleep until my usual 6:30. Wouldn't want to keep it
as my normal sleep schedule or anything, but as a one off it worked
just fine.
About Mom's visit - had a great time.
She, Keith and bug
visited me here at my last apartment before I left for grad school,
but this was the first time it was just her and me on my turf. We walked
and walked - I warned her to bring comfortable shoes and she said she
hadn't worn sneakers so much in a long long time.
Thursday we had dinner at Lauriol Plaza
(my favorite DC restaurant), then headed home to hang.
Friday she did museums all day (I was
in meetings), we walked around and had dinner in Georgetown, then walked
to Clarendon to join a engagement fete-in-progress for Leigh
and Porter (D and
Fergus, Foster and
Fabian, Demmert
and her mom were there as well). Was great
to introduce Mom to the gang she hadn't met, and nice for her to see
D (since we went to High School together she
knows my mom well).
Saturday we did museums together.
- Had tickets to Jackie Kennedy in the morning (amazing amazing exhibit.
Well set out, the clothes were fantastic and it was great to go with
my mom who's a great seamstress and can actually appreciate the workmanship)
- Tickets to Egypt in the afternoon (great stuff too but the crowds
were driving me insane. my. god. People were pushy and swarming and
completely unaware of the space that their bodies took up. It was
like the metro times 1000. People having extended conversations directly
in front of plaques when there's open space, people stepping and standing
directly in front of you. The worst though? People actually touching
the exhibits. Yeah, that's right. Friggin touching the exhibits. Are
these people raised in barns? Or incredibly wealthy? I'm still puzzled
by what combination of cluelessness or arrogance one would think one
could/should touch something at a museum. But the exhibit itself was
amazing. Am thinking of going back on a non-Saturday sometime in September)
- Chicano Visions at the Arts and Industries Building (mom had gone
on Thursday and showed me the catalog. Amazing stuff - the colors,
energy of the works rocked. But again annoying tourists abounded.
In this case the exhibit was empty, but there was a small family (mom,
two boys, grandma) where one of the boys kept touching the paintings.
I don't mean a fingertip or leaning close, he put his full palm on
one of the paintings. My mom and I looked on in horror and said please
don't touch the paintings. The grandma gave us a dirty look and said
something to the mom and about how that had already been said and
it didn't need to be reiterated. About two seconds later the boy touched
another painting, in front of the mom who grabbed his hand and told
him to stop it then looked at the grandma. I was distressed at god
knows what damage this kid was doing the artwork but at least happy
that I could stew in what crappy disciplinarians these adults were.
The family turned the corner my mom and I saw a guard and told him
there was a family with a couple of kids who kept touching the paintings,
that the adults seemed to have it under control but we thought they
should know. My mom and I are a couple of tattlers, I know. And I
applaud people bringing their kids to see cool art. But walking past
the first painting I could see the kids handprint on it. And that's
just not right.
Sunday was a trip to Eastern Market.
She loved the furniture and crafts there and the two of us spent time
poring over jewelry. Then we about died from the heat and decided to
go to Pentagon City to get away. Hung out for a bit there, then followed
the air conditioning and went to Courthouse and saw "Goldmember".
Dinner from El Pollo Rico capped another good day.
Monday she left. We left the house
at the same time - she to go hang at Union Station and me to go to work.

Now am watching a documentary on Jack
the Ripper where they're talking about women with "abandoned character".
As if those women picked prostitution up and placed their prospects
for another life down. The photos and drawings of the period make it
all look so long ago, though I know that people then really couldn't
have been so different.

Doing (life and related tasks): meetings
all day tomorrow, making plans for the weekend, starting training for
the 5K.
Doing (crafty stuff): Mom and I finished
the sweater back, am continuing on the front.
Wanting: things to get sorted out at work,
the course at the corcoran to come through, some time to catch up on
cleaning up the apartment.
Anticipating: not sure what but sure it's