Listening: a live version of "I Wanted
to Tell You" by Matthew Sweet. On repeat. Somehow it is just speaking
to me tonight.
Reading (perhaps quality): Alias Grace
by Margaret Atwood
Reading (definitely pulp): Young Adult
trashy romances I picked up at the book sale
Drinking: tonic water, no gin.
October 6, 2002
9:28 pm
Busy end of the week last week at work
- have been working on a site that needs to be relatively updateable
(because I don't think I'm going to be the one maintaining it) and yet
attractive. If you're not a web designer you'd be amazed at how rarely
those two attributes go together. If you are one, you're shaking your
head at the task in front of me. But I think I've come up with something
good - we'll see when my colleague in charge of this project comes back
on Monday and renders her verdict.
Finally feel like I'm coming out from
under - going to the gym in the morning kicked my ass for the first
couple of weeks (though I actually do feel more energetic now, just
like the articles say), there was my masters project partner's wedding
last weekend and my other masters project partner staying with me, the
homework from the graphic design course taking more time than I'd thought,
things being busy at work, and my self-imposed lovely but crazy social
calendar (wouldn't have it any other way) all creating this exhausting
mix of, well, exhaustion. My Dad's been thinking
I was dead since I haven't been returning his calls but then again I
haven't been returning anyone's - for the last couple of weeks as soon
as I got home I would collapse and go to sleep. When I would hear the
phone ring the thought of getting up and being sociable was just unbearable.

I get a lot of ridiculous spam in my
free mail account, got this one the other day which totally cracked
me up.
Hypnotize Women Into Bed
Fat Bald Ugly Insecure Broke? Guys! Did you know you
can learn to hypnotize women into bed?
Come on, dude - you can't tell me you don't need
a little extra edge when it comes to scoring. It's FUN, and it will
(Then there's a web site and no I didn't visit it.)
Do guys really fall for this stuff?
I am a little intrigued at what kind of jedi mind trick someone's selling
that's going to get me to go to bed with someone who is fat, bald, ugly,
insecure and broke. Does it involve mirrors? swirling patterns?
subliminal messages? I guess the next time I'm out and someone's muttering
incantations under his breath I should just steer clear.

So Talullah
and I picked up our guitars on Saturday. I'm still all goofy smiles
and sore fingers about it. It's really a beaut. When I first held it
it felt foreign and large, much larger than they look on people playing
their guitars on far away stages. Haven't named it yet.
The store owner spent about 15 minutes
a piece with us showing us how to hold it and a few chords. Then Talullah
and I hopped in her car, went up to Rock Creek Park, picked a nice place
in the shade and played for a bit. Played chords, that is. But it was
friggin' awesome. I mean, I can play the guitar. I can't play any songs
(yet), my fingers are still sore from holding down the strings (I'm
hoping to develop calluses soon), am planning on starting lessons in
a couple of weeks, and am just so psyched about all this. And Lulu's
just a great person to do this with, too.

As you could tell from the sidebar, things have been busy lately. It
took until about last Wednesday before I started feeling like I could
devote any energy to things beyond the daily what-have-you. And even
sitting here now I'm tired with thoughts of all I've been up to, energized
by the projects to be done, and ready to start winding down for the
evening. Hasta manana!

Doing (life and related tasks): Stitch
and Bitch tonight, brunch with SS the SS this
morning, Foster's birthday last night, Guitar
playing with Talullah yesterday afternoon,
Book sale and drinking with Carrie on Friday.
Doing (crafty stuff): knitting a sweater
out of some fluffy plum colored yarn.
Wanting: someone else to take the trash
out for me, a new bookcase, and a copy of the newest Weezer album.
Anticipating: Writing more, getting a good
night's sleep tonight.