


Listening: "Golden Age of Radio" by Josh Ritter. He really rocks.

Reading (perhaps quality): Still trekking through The Fellowship of the Ring.

Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.

Drinking: water water everywhere.

December 3, 2002
10:42 pm

Need to go to sleep but did want to put something up tonight.

Did my quarterly design change. Not sure how I feel about the snowflakes but I was tired of the leaves (they just never sat well with me) and when I got home early from the meeting tonight I decided to take the time to make the seasonal switch. And the way it's been so friggin cold this week, and with the weathermen threatening snowstorms tomorrow a flake or two here seemed suitable.

a m.   just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Had a Sewall-Belmont meeting tonight and have to finish up invitation designs to send tomorrow.

Doing (crafty stuff): doing some crafty stuff with a friend of mine tomorrow.

Wanting: A call back, already. Yes, still.

Anticipating: still the 5K and some good going out this weekend.

last one everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page next one


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.