Listening: Love Gets Me Every Time by
Shania Twain
Reading (perhaps quality): Read The
Hobbitt by JRR Tolkein and some of Man and His Symbols by
CG Jung
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Lots of water.
July 07, 2003
8:57 pm
So, I'm not dying of bronchitis.
After sticking that lit pointy thing
they look through in both of my ears, up both my nostrils, and listening
to me breathe for like a minute the nurse practitioner this morning
said she had both good news and bad news. The good news was that I didn't
have anything more serious than a bad cold. The bad news was that I
have a bad cold so there's nothing really she could prescribe. She gave
me a crazy fluid thinner so between it and the Clariton I'm alternately
nose-running and dried out. Lovely. But my fever's down. I'm better
rested. And I feel almost human.
Just met up with D
for dinner. Food was unhealthy (Whitlow's half-priced burgers) but the
conversation was good. One of the best things about her is her wide
interests and how easy it is to talk about a spectrum of things. Am
anticipating having as good of a time catching up with Beley
manana (though with all the cheap red wine slated to be consumed I should
probably start resting up now).

Doing (life and related tasks): Resting
and going to the doctor (but in reverse order).
Doing (crafty stuff): Nada today.
Wanting: A less noisy air conditioner.
Anticipating: Catching up with D and Beley
this week.