iced tea


iced tea

Listening: A mix cd from SS the SS.

Stuck in my head: "Suburban Home" by The Descendents.

Reading (perhaps quality): Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl and Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by Oskar Morgenstern and John Von Neumann

Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.

Drinking: Nothing, though I am a little thirsty.

November 19, 2003
10:12 pm

Nina Simone's wailing in the next room and other than a few candles on my desk, the bedside lamp and the light from the hallway my apartment is dark. Can't hear the rain outside but can see the drops caught in the window screens, refracting light refracting colors when beams from the lamp-posts outside shine through. I'm in pajamas (flannel - it's coldish outside and I don't want to deal with turning the radiators on yet) and wool socks hair up in a stick looking tres stylish. Song switched and it's Joni Mitchell now, "This Flight Tonight" - all I need is a cup of tea and 200 pages to read before tomorrow and I'd swear I was back in grad school.

In general all's been really good lately. Working-wise the digital library release went smoothly and we're in good shape for the second release week after next. Socially, since before even Halloween life's been crazy, more rock star-ish than it is normally. There have been a ton of parties (with Beley and his crew SS the SS and I went to 6 on Halloween night. 6! In one night!), catching up with people (seen a fair amount of SS the SS, Talullah, Marie, and of course my Mensa girls), and even some very cool dates. I've been running 3-4 miles several times a week trying to get psyched and in shape for a 5K next month (shouldn't be a problem at all to complete, I'd just like to make good time doing it). Otherwise? Just trying to take some time to relax reflect regroup before the holiday season.

Well, Anna-the-cat is asleep curled up in the floor next to my bed and I'm not too proud to take lifestyle advice from my pet...

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): See left.

Doing (crafty stuff): Finished the snake scarves and am working on my sister scarves. Pictures forthcoming.

Wanting: Bookshelves. Yes still. Otherwise more time to just chill.

Anticipating: A nice Thanksgiving holiday.

iced tea everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page iced tea


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.