Listening: Anna purring, loudly.
Reading (perhaps quality): Nothing right
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Water. Lots of water.
January 29, 2004
11:30 pm
Went to a beer tasting/ hop-off at
RFD with Demmert, Fergus,
Darren and Porter.
The place was packed, the brewers' jokes really bad, the beer excellent,
the company great and increasingly goofy as the night went on. Not much
more to say - but a lot of photos...
(above) Demmert and Fergus, with beers, at the start
of the night
(above) Me and Demmert with the growing tower of
empty beer cups
(above) Darren stares angrily at his way-hoppy beer,
while Porter just smiles
(above) Demmert, very serious about writing down
her ratings of the beers. Notice the still growing tower.
(above) Darren's still making faces at his beers.
(above) While Porter is being much more amiable
(above) Porter's starting to shw his buzz while Darren
gets all elegant.
(above) Darren goes up to the brewer's to insult
one of their beers (a pilsner). Clearly we've all been drinking for
a while now.
(above) Demmert's laughing at something, Fergus is
studying the beer list, and the tower keeps growing.
(above) Demmert tastes a really hoppy beer. Her face
says exactly what she thinks of the taste...
(above) Fergus studies the list. Notice the still
growing tower on the left and the empty glass of water in the foreground.
(above) Me and Demmert towards the end of the night.
You can tell from the broader smiles, pinker cheeks, and taller tower.
(above) Demmert holding up a note saying that the
brewer talking in the background needs to stop talking. We all got treated
to a 10 minute rant on hops when we really really wanted to inside jokes
to end and just go home.
So a fun fun night (these tastings
always are). And now, off to sleep!
Doing (life and related tasks): Should
be packing for my trip.
Doing (crafty stuff): Finished the devil
hat for Bug, working on a cat one in case
she changes her mind.
Wanting: Not to be hungover manana.
Anticipating: Going up to NY to see HK
this weekend.