February 11/12, 2004
London was a blast.
Great to see Tess
(she and Troy live up in Massachusetts now)
and to see Jen (who though she lives nearby
travels much for work and is hard to get a hold of). Good to get out
of town for the long weekend. Even better to be away for Valentines
Day and whatever weirdness potentially lurked for me here.
Since the exchange rate was so horrific
(wavered between 1.85 and 1.94 dollars/pound) shopping was pretty much
out. So I took photos. About 100 over the 4 days.
And since apparently I'm getting too
lazy to write (see the last entry) - here's
another photo essay!

(above) Jen and me on the curb at the airport, our
bags off to the side, the BA desk behind us. We got there way too early
- about 8pm for a 9:40 flight but figured better safe than, you know.

(above) Jen and Tess, at the airport in line for
a cab. Despite the early hour and the long flight we're just happy enough
we actually met up at the airport.

(Above) The view from our window at our very dodgy
hotel. The neighborhood itself was fine, it was right near the tube
and the price reasonable. But to say it lacked amenities would be an

(Above) Because, yeah, this was our bathroom, And
this was about the most flattering photo I could take of it.

(Above) Tess, again being my photographic muse. Here
she's taking a stretch as we walk through Hyde Park.

(Above) in the elevator at Harrods - Tess and Jen
in the top photo, Tess and me in the second

(above) Me, Jen, and Tess at tea. This must have
been early on because the tray is full. Though not cheap it was delish.

(Above) Proudly posing by an ad for Mo's Diner. And
no doubt wishing I did own it so we could eat somewhere anywhere for

After our late tea and some (mostly
window) shopping we went back to the hotel, hung out, the collapsed
from jet lag promising to go out the next night.
but did we?
