Foster and Fabian's Wedding (September 2004)
Note: Okay, I'm writing this months
late. Foster and Fabian
are on their honeymoon right now, which sounds like its not too much
later than the wedding until I admit the wedding was in the summer and
the honeymoon's in winter.
So it is substantially a picture essay.
I'll add other things as I remember 'em, but hell, the photos are the
best part anyways.

After talking about it for months we
were finally going to LA and to Foster and Fabian's wedding. There was
some angst for a little while - we all knew we wanted to go to the wedding
but were a little frightened of the cross-country travel and hotel costs.
Never fear as Demmert found us a sensational travel package with hotel
and airfare for tres cheap.
Before going further have to say that
I don't think I can convey how much fun it was to travel with these
guys. All of them are easygoing, game to have fun, and just good old
friends. After of course seeing the wedding, the prospect of a few days
with them was one of the parts of the trip I was looking forward to
So D, Fergus,
Demmert and I all met up around noon at Fergus'
office to make the trek out to BWI. I'd brought Free
Range with me, leading to stares on the metro and at work (he
couldn't really fit into my bag) but some great photos along the way.

(above) At the parking lot at BWI, waiting for the
shuttle. Demmert is unsure about the bird, but he gamely goes along
with her inspection.

(Above) Fergus, D and Demmert with Free Range. Still
waiting for the shuttle.

(Above) Me and D at the gate, about to board the
plane. This was after we'd had a beer or so at the airport sports bar
and before we dived into the mini liquor bottles we'd brought for the

(Above) Three girls and a bird, on our layover in
Denver. We left Free Range in the window the whole time we were there
drinking and didn't get a single look.

(Above) But looks or not after spending the flight
in Demmert's carry on the bird was clearly ready for a drink.

(Above) Lucky for him, I'm willing to share.

(Above) The three of us girls, now posing next to
but not through that very bright neon sign.
There was a little trouble getting
the rental car (we didn't know whose name everything was under) but
we got the car, called Foster and Fabian to let them know we'd arrived,
and made it to our home for the next couple of days, the lovely Ramada
Inn near the Burbank Airport. After checking in but before bringing
our bags to the room we stopped at the hotel bar for a drink.
Now before any of you start thinking
we drank the whole weekend I want to describe the way that this
hotel bar, Whispers, captured our imaginations.
From the day we'd gotten info on the hotel and heard about it we were
looking forward to seeing if it was half as cheesy as the description
made it sound. And from the music playing from a boombox cassette recorder
to the broken popcorn machine in the corner, Whispers didn't disappoint.

(Above) Me using Free Range to drink my beer. I mean
the bar was empty, I was feeling creative, and its not like I was going
to make the place any less classy.
I believe at this point we started
talking about making people do shots either off or through the bird.
These "poultry shots" didn't require any particular kind of
alcohol, just the presence of the plastic chicken. I'm proud to say
that this was one of those later night ideas we had the sense to disregard
in the light of day.

(Above) D, giving Free Range a goodnight smooch.

Saturday morning got up decently early
(Demmert and I sharing a bed, D and Fergus in the other, all of us miraculously
having enough room in the room for our bags). Fergus went out for coffee,
I talked on the phone with my dad for a bit as I stood out on the hallway
looking into the courtyard.

(Above) The view into the courtyard. There was also
a pool but we didn't venture anywhere near it.
Don't know what the boys ended up doing
but we girls headed to Foster's Aunt's house to meet up with her and
Norika and then with the troop of family get
our nails done.

(Above) Demmert and Norika, prior to getting all
done up.

(Above) And Foster, of course, looking cute and gamely
getting goofy (in a veil, no less!)
After getting nails done we had a little
while before we had to go back to the house for the wedding. So with
time to burn and no lunch yet we did the only thing you can do in Southern
California - grab some burgers at In & Out.

(Above) D dishing the food out. Notice how we're
eating outside. That's because the weather was amazing.
Soon it was time to get ready. Demmert
and Porter (Porter and Leigh
had arrived in LA days earlier and were staying at our hotel) had got
to get the mini liquor bottles we'd need for the evening, and all of
us got dressed to go out. Porter and Leigh had rented a huge car, so
we could all travel over together. Hooray!

(above) All the girls ready to go and waiting by
the tres classy elevator.

(Above) And Demmert and me, squooshed in the car's
back seat.
Now, Foster and Fabian had told us
how gorgeous the house was but not even their effusive praise was enough.
The pool and backyard are amazing amazing with the waterfall and canyon
and everything.

(Above) The waterfall and pool. Wow.
Per Foster's request we got there early.
But since she was ensconced in all things wedding-y we had a lot of
time to mill around the backyard. So of course we took photos.

(Above) D and me, with the house in the background

(above) D and Fergus by the side of the pool

(above) Norika and I, with Foster's Grammy partially
in the background.
Snuck in for a second to see Foster
who looked amazing beautiful and had her mother and other family fluttering
around her. Then soon we were being guided to the side area where the
wedding was going to be held. There were chairs all set out, a very
pretty arch, and Fabian looking all excited and happy.

(Above) Fabian and his brother waiting for it all
to get started.

(Above) And here came the bride!
The ceremony was beautiful, the vows
completely them. Seeing their joy... it really was an honor to be there
to share it.

(Above) The priest signed it so its official!
After the wedding came the party. Great
music, amazing food, and a fun time hanging out with everyone.

(Above) Demmert and me going for the bar.

(Above) Me, posing with the happy couple.

(Above) Apparently a conversation that Fabian and
D thought was funny, despite Demmert's shock.

(Above) And something more contemplative, this time
with a glowing Foster also there.

(Above) Later in the evening - am not sure what this
conversation was about.

(Above) but I guess it was something funny?
After this point my camera battery
went dead but the party carried on. Foster a Fabian rented a huge limo
and all us kids went riding around LA drinking, bar hopping, and making
noise. D rode a mechanical bull, Foster's dress got mauled (but she
still looked beautiful), Porter mauled his finger, and somehow somehow
we all made it back to the hotel.

Traveling back. Uneventful plane rides. Tired but happy travelers.
And one very very happy newlywed couple back in LA!
