Listening: I Am Done by Melissa
Ferrick, Strange Loop by Liz Phair, Debaser and Here
Comes Your Man by the Pixies.
Reading (perhaps quality): The Spanish
Civil War by Hugh Tomas.
Reading (definitely pulp): Just finished
He's Just Not Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. What
can I say, loved that episode of Sex and the City and needed a laugh.
Drinking: Nothing.
October 31, 2004
10:09 pm
Know it has been a while.
- Have been trying to organize my photos from Spain and put all the
things from that trip together so I could put them up.
- There was a series of boundary-crossing encounters with someone
reading this site that really made me not want to post anything ever
- Work has been crazy with the last position ending and the new one
starting this coming week. That brought extra hours and some associated
- Have been trying to get a lot of other offline things in order -
looking at volunteer work, thinking about where I want to live next,
classes I may want to take, training for a half marathon in the spring,
and finishing the Christmas presents I have to make.
But I have missed putting things up.
All this is a way to broadcast the outlines of my life to friends and
family, and a record of life and craft for me.
So I'm back.

Doing (life and related tasks): In the
process of gathering items to give to GoodWill.
Doing (crafty stuff): Much embroidery.
Wanting: A lot of things. But now with
some good music playing, a nice breeze blowing through the room and
Anna sleeping curled up on the bed those things are hard to remember.
Anticipating: The new job starting. Woo