Listening: Little Red Book by Cordalene,
Jolene by Dolly Parton, Debaser by the Pixies.
Reading (perhaps quality): Still with The
Annotated Alice by Martin Gardner (Introduction), Lewis Carroll
(Author), John Tenniel (Illustrator).
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Lots of water, in vain hopes
to kick these allergies.
April 25, 2005
9:40 pm
Talked today with one of the mortgage
people Mary recommended - she was great to
talk with, conversation went something like this --
- Her (businesslike): Are you interested
in buying something in the next 90 days?
- Me (trying not to hyperventilate): Well.
Wow. 90 days?
- Her (reassuring): Because if you're not
looking to buy until the fall then we could just run numbers but wait
to apply.
- Me (starting to relax): Wait. 90 days
- that's like 3 months, right?
- Her (wondering if I'm crazy): Uh, yes.
- Me (feeling better): No, definitely with
the next 3 months.
- Her (I think trying not to laugh): Great!
- Me (thinking to myself): Wow! Damn! Aaaaack!
So things are moving forward. Slowly,
but moving.

Doing (life and related tasks): Work. Cleaning
the House. Getting papers in order. Trying to relax.
Doing (crafty stuff): Continuing to knit afghan blocks.
Wanting: A vacuum cleaner that really works.
Or a cat that doesn't shed.
Anticipating: Dad
and Carmen visiting. Woo hoo!