Listening: Belle of St. Mark by
Shiela E ; Head On by The Pixies ; 1970 Monte Carlo by
Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash
Reading (perhaps quality): Finished
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller which I loved loved. Started then discarded
Watership Down by Richard Adams - about 20 pages in I was already scared
about what would happen to those bunnies. Life's already too stressful
right now to be that concerned about fictional characters.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nada.
Drinking: Iced tea, from real tea leaves.
June 01, 2005
9:46 pm
Ever wondered what a UI designer who
never gets to work with books looks like if she's holding three books
that she got to recase (under close supervision, but still)?

Well, now you know.

The two week externship was amazing.
Folks in the book conservation division taught more than I thought I
could ever absorb about bindings, paper, leather, adhesives, about how
to store materials and the many many ways things decay and degrade.
Absolutely amazing. Such exposure makes me appreciate the digital surrogates
I work with that much more.

Doing (life and related tasks): Planning
for Marie's bridal shower and bachelorette - the rest of the girls are
Doing (crafty stuff): Still with the blanket blocks.
Wanting: Wish I knew.
Anticipating: Lots of learning over the
next couple of days.