January 16, 2006
9:56 am
Have barely started packing and am
feeling way nostalgic about my current-soon-to-be-former apartment.
Its been over 3 and a half years here, I bought all my furniture with
this space in mind, etc etc etc. And I know that I'll be able to make
things work in the next place too. But still, a few of my favorite line-sights
of the place (before I have to take it apart):

(above) the window next to my desk, overlooking some trees, the apartment
complex's playground, Route 50, and Fort Meyer across the street.
I had my desk in the dining room when
I first moved in, then moved it out for a couple of years, then just
moved it back in and wonder why I ever had it any other way. I love
being able to see the seasons out the window, though the occasional
bird or squirrel on the air conditioner window unit or sill outside
is a little freaky.

(above) Anna in the second shelf of the now empty
bookcase, the kitchen to the left.
So yup, was able to move down from
three to two bookcases. Would like to bring all three with me but I
just don't think there's a way. So the third one that I bought years
and years ago from a friend of a friend, then gave to D
when I moved to California, then she gave back to me when I moved back,
well it looks like it'll finally be passing out of our collective ownership(s).
In the meantime, Anna likes it as a place
to perch.

(above) Bench, tree and table at twilight.
Think I should be able to fit the turquoise
naugahyde bench in somewhere in the new place. Well I'll have to because
there's no way I'm getting rid of it. The table can fold to being half
the size its at now which I think will be necessary. As for the lights,
I'll have to see what I can rig up. And the idea of leaving the fabulous
carpets (the new place has wall-to-wall) makes me way sad.

(above) More of the table.
Finally found a good place for the
cake plate/pedestal/occasionally-a-vase thing I got years ago. Some
of the stones on it are falling off - though I mean to keep gluing them
on (and actually own a glue gun) it never seems to happen.
This shot is yet another great shot
of the not-to-be-kept carpets. Actually asked a friend of mine if she
wanted to have them and she said no. She has a completely different
design aesthetic so I wasn't surprised and was actually a bit relieved.
Would have been sad to see them in someone else's house, I think.

(above) Television, bookshelves, and chair
My television is old and
wood-paneled. Carmen has mentioned about 18
million times that if I wanted a new one I would get one and she's right
- this one works fine and I like the look of it. Most everything else
in the place looks old and the look of the tv fits in perfectly. Atop
it I have some candles (all well protected), and those are the remaining
two bookcases next to it.

(above) Chair, carpet, and parquet floor.
Its things like this that are my favorite.
I love how the squares in the carpet echo the (but don't match) the
squares in the flooring. Then the chair with straight lines and some
slight curves almost blends with the floor before it links itself back
with the carpet.
Wow, I really have been hitting too
many museum exhibit catalogs lately.

(above) Couch, front window, radiator.
This is all to the left of the chair.
I have the photos in front of the right window because I usually open
up the left and don't need them blowing off the sill. The blinds are
horrid but I like how their horizontal lines abut against the vertical
ones of the radiator (equally horrid but very good at keeping the place
warm). Have had the couch for a few years now and love it - the microfiber
is soft and the color pretty-even-for-a-taupe.

So that's enough procrastination/nostalgia
for one day - time to really really start packing. Wish me luck?
