Listening: Handle With Care by Jenny
Lewis and the Watson Twins.
Reading (perhaps quality): About Alice
by Calvin Trillin
Reading (definitely pulp): Not pulp, but
am trekking through New Yorkers.
Drinking: Diet Coke.
December 31, 2006
3:17 am
Yeah. So that was an unintentional
almost-yeah hiatus.
There are a lot of reasonable reasons
for it, including but not limited to: not having internet connectivity
for a little while after the move, my computer dying, having to get
a new computer and set things up, being busy, etc. But really? It was
about wanting a break, needing some time to figure out what was going
on in my life, in taking some time to live my life.
And really? It was great.

Right now Anna is engaged in a pitched
battle with a bunch of white tissue paper. I can hear the thrashing
and see it moving as she does I don't even know what underneath it.
There's paper crunching and a cat meowing and fierce pouncing and silence
broken by mad activity.

To catch up - some highlights for 2006:
New Job (January)
-- Started my detail in early January and its been an amazing
experience. I have learned so much, been able to do interesting work,
and gotten to work with and for great people. Definitely stellar.
New Digs (January)
-- Talk about stellar - moved into my new place at the end of January.
I lost about 300 square feet but gained a much better location, a balcony,
laundry in the building, and one of my closest friends in the apartment
right above me. I love living here.
New Mexico (April)
-- My grandmother passed away almost 4 years ago and my grandfather
was having a mass said for her on that anniversary. I volunteered to
go and be with him, and decided to spend a little over a week. I didn't
realize how hard it was going to be to stay there - through High School
I used to visit my grandparents on my own, but this was the first time
since my grandmother died that I'd been in the house for so long and
without my mom and sisters there too. The whole place still feels so
much like my grandmother, and add in the mountain of chores and cleaning
and cooking to set out for me by my grandfather and, well, the trip
wasn't very relaxing. But I'm so grateful that I got the chance to spend
a good amount of time alone with my grandfather, that I got to help
him, that I got some time to continue to mourn.
New Patio Furniture
(April) -- And a guy to put it together! Had a really good four-months-or-so
with Brian, during which he gave me some great music and truly good
memories. Learned a ton and wish him well.
Chicago (May) --
Carol and I made a Memorial Day trip to the Windy City. She scored us
an incredible deal at the W Hotel over by the Navy Pier, which had the
most comfortable bed I've ever slept in (sorry, DaveB, but its true).
It was a truly indulgent weekend between going to the spa (they had
this shower that filled the room with cedar scented steam - I never
wanted to leave), going shopping (there was a lingerie shop Carol had
seen on our last trip that we had to go to), drinking perfect sidecars
at the Redhead Piano Bar, and staying in one night eating room service
and watching Major League. All wonderfully delicious.
32 (July) -- As
usual, it was a multiple day extravaganza. Night before, I and like
25 of my friends went out in Annapolis, then the day of we barbecued
in the windy rainy weather, drank cocktails, watched the fireworks from
our roofdeck when the skies miraculously cleared, came back and drank
bizarre liqueurs (zwack!), and generally had a great great time.
Annapolis Wedding/The
Dirty Flock (August) -- Billy and Anya managed to throw a beautiful
beautiful wedding with a mere 28 days to plan. The Rev officiated, and
the Dirty Flock was formed. Those of us called to join are thankful,
Welcome to Rio (September/October)
-- In late September/ early October I spent a week in Rio for work.
It was amazing to see the offices there, get a real and thorough sense
of how work is done and under what kind of conditions they operate.
The city of course is amazing as well, lovely and strange and familiar
all at once. I was mistaken for a carioca everywhere, cementing my feeling
that I'm less exotic in foreign locales than I am at home.
New New (November)
-- Not sure how much to say about it but since mid-November or so
its been strange and crazy and surprising and good and better-than-good.
Knock on wood.

Have to get going. Am so very grateful
for a 2006 that was amazing in every area of my life - here's hoping
for a 2007 that continues to exceed even my grandest hopes. I mean,
if that's not too greedy or anything. Or even if it is!

Doing (life and related tasks): Spending
the day quietly. Partly because I want to rest up before the long night
out, partly because quiet gratitude and contemplation is the way I love
to spend my 31st.
Doing (crafty stuff): Need to get on that.
Wanting: There's always tons of things,
but really right now am enjoying a few moments of being grateful for
all that I have.
Anticipating: A good night tonight, a great
year to follow!