Listening: James by The Bangles
Reading (perhaps quality): Special Topics
In Calamity Physics, by Marisha Pessl
Reading (definitely pulp): The Starter
Wife by Gigi Levangie Grazer (bought in the Houston airport when
I was tired of reading quality)
Drinking: Wanting some coffee.
May 18, 2007
7:04 am
From Carolyn Hax's column
today, on trusting and being oneself:
"So here's a way to
build yourself up beyond the need for such claims: Become an advocate
for your feelings, not your résumé. Articulate your discomfort.
Express opinions of things that affect you. Initiate a potentially difficult
conversation that helps you explore how you feel. Recognize that meeting
a wonderful man is luck, but trusting him is a choice. Believe that
there are worse things than losing someone just because you expressed
an opinion. (Such as, being afraid to express an opinion.) Maybe you
don't think you have the courage to assert yourself, with what feels
like so much on the line. I would think, though, that with what you've
been through, silently handing over responsibility for your happiness
would be the far scarier choice."

Its been a wild few weeks
around here. Work has been non-stop, there was the trip to NM with its
family realities, and the painfully truly ridiculously extended breakup.
On the upside, having things be crazed and broken gives me the chance
to examine the pieces as I decide how to put them back together - I've
just been deciding what to keep and what to modify as I figure out how
I want what's next to look. Not a ton of fun but very rewarding.
I think that's why the Hax bit above
caught my attention. All of those situations have been greatly affected
by whether or not I was direct with myself and with others, and whether
or not I was open to their being direct in return. I can't say that
I'm now seventeen kinds of brave about taking risks with all of that,
but after all that's happened I'm good for a ton more of them than I
ever was or imagined I could be before.

Doing (life and related tasks): Just got
back from a long weekend in NM for Hug's college graduation - she's
amazing amazing.
Doing (crafty/moving stuff): Trying to
arrange a SnB next month with Demmert et al
/ Aiming to run a total of 12 miles this week.
Wanting: A regular, reliable amount of
Anticipating: The long discussed Bridesmaids
Bar Crawl is finally happening. Now I just need to choose the particular
powder blue dresses I want to wear.