Listening: Listening to I Saw Her Again
by The Mamas and the Papas. I know its old but its been a favorite
of mine since college. Wait - Together by Earl Lee Grace just
came on. I guess its an evening for songs of not-right love.
Reading (perhaps quality): God's Middle
Finger - Into the Lawless Heart of the Sierra Madre by Richard Grant.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing right
Drinking: Iced Tea, baby.
July 28, 2008
6:50 pm
Going through past e-mails and my favorite
from the last several months was the following:
The gang invited to SS the SS's and my first
specific-liquor themed cocktail party
We just tested the cocktails and wanted to issue an advisory: please
take metro. Please, please, do not expect to drive home.
Really. We've just tried them. We know whereof we speak.
I've been tired of ordering the same
gin-and-tonic, blueberry-vodka-and-soda, and occasional sidecar and
have wanted to try something new. Enter, the book my brother and sister
in law gave me for Christmas which is a collection of great classic
and new-classic cocktail recipes.
So I proposed to SS the SS that we
throw a series of cocktail parties, focusing on two kinds of booze at
a time, and offer interesting drinks and a few snacks. We picked Whiskey
and Calvados, got two cocktails of each (one involved flaming orange
rinds!), added our usual suspects, and stirred.
The first night we made them we tried
about half a drink of each and almost passed out from the sheer strength
of them. Night of the party we set up all the drinks, let people modify
and mix, and offered extra instruction on the match/twist/orange-rind
move. The party was a ridiculous success. I say ridiculous because we
all managed to show up at the party looking very respectable (fancy
dress for the women, suits for the guys) and yet I think almost everyone
managed to forget something crucial at the house (keys, phone, camera,
At our next party (vodka! and tequila!)
we toned things down quite a bit, and besides I think folks were better
prepared. Or at least better watered and fed. Plans are for a bourbon
party in October, which should be interesting...
Doing (life and related tasks): Still avoiding
cleaning my apartment.
Doing (crafty stuff): Alas have remained
anything but craft-tas-tic lately.
Wanting: Money for a house down payment
to materialize in a legal fashion.
Anticipating: Heading out to San Diego
for the ESRI Conference and some family time.