Listening: "Who's Line is it Anyway?"
What can I say, I'm a creature of habit...
Reading (perhaps quality): The Post
Reading (definitely pulp): still trekking
through "Needful Things" by Stephen King. Hey, it's long.
Drinking: water.
August 7, 2002
10:35 pm
Still snarkey. This is getting ridiculous
- had a great time at happy hour with Demmert
and D and Leigh
and Porter, then got home and just felt exhausted
deflated and like all I wanted to do was to I don't know, if I knew
perhaps I wouldn't feel this sense that something's missing.
But things are coming
along on my new sweater. Have had to restart it four times now - there's
some place around row 15 that I keep dropping a stitch and my tension
when starting the knit rows tends to be looser than when starting purls...
but it's coming together nicely. And I saw that eknitting has the yarn
and dyelot in case I need to pick up another skein. Hurrah!

Talked to HK
yesterday - when she moved from San Francisco last year it was like
an occasional but awesome presence left. Actually that's exactly what
it was like. We caught up on the last few weeks (she's going sky diving
in a couple of weeks, interested in another strong-silent type), she
asked when I was coming up to visit. Though I was just in New York,
a visit with HK just sounds too delicious to pass up. I can just imagine
the shopping, drinking, and good stories that would result from a weekend
in the city. Must make plans to come up soon - maybe in the fall?

Trying hard not to bite my nails. If you've known me for long, you
know I've been biting my nails since I was about six. I've tried since
then to stop but when I'm stressed gnawing at my fingertips is strangely
comforting (though completely disgusting-sounding when written out like
that). I stopped so I could get a manicure for Beth
and Scott's wedding and it seemed a shame
to start again. So they're lovely and for me incredibly long. We're
talking talons.

Doing (life and related tasks): still catching
up at work.
Doing (crafty stuff): continuing with my
collage walls, maybe making some curtains?
Wanting: Nothing much.
Anticipating: getting a decent night's