Listening: "Stutter" by Elastica
Reading (perhaps quality): Finished Pink
Think by Lynn Peril (loved it); still working through Alias Grace
by Margaret Atwood
Reading (definitely pulp): Young Adult
trashy romances I picked up at the book sale
Drinking: water, to make up for the gin
and tonics earlier.
October 11, 2002
11:12 pm
Looooooooong day today. Didn't go to
the gym and instead spent an hour or so hitting the snooze alarm, sleeping
for 9 minutes, listening to another disturbing news story for a minute,
then repeating. With the rain, it being the end of the week and the
scariness all around it was hard to feel like there was anything worthwhile
outside the house. Hard to feel like there was anyplace safe outside
the house. Except for Carter getting the Nobel peace prize, the news
today scared the hell out of me.
Bush getting the authority to use force
against Iraq scares me. Liberal/ conservative b.s. aside its scary because
it's frightening to live in a world where such a resolution is necessary.
Where we would attack them, and they or their allies would attack us.
Brought back fears of being in 2nd grade back in Berkeley during the
Cold War, hearing my parents talking about war like it was a real possibility.
Made me think of reading "Johnny Got his Gun" back in High
School and seeing a vision of war, even a "right" war, as
both glorious and horrifying.
Then what's going on right now in Montgomery
County and in the rest of the area doesn't help. Nine people shot now
by a sniper; no warning or provocation, one shot in a public place and
then you're gone. Walking to the gym the other morning there was a white
van parked on a corner with someone sitting in it and I found myself
getting spooked. And feeling ridiculous about it, I mean there are tons
of white van around, the guy in it was Indian not white (as reports
have the van driver as being), and it was a quiet not busy place (unlike
where the shootings have taken place up until this point). But I was
spooked. And I am scared.

Thank goodness I have Liz Phair to
put a dose of unreality into things. Was listening to "Exile in
Guyville" today while working - most of the time when I'm listening
to music I don't really pay attention, I just like the white noise.
But today I was writing e-mails to ask people to participate in some
design interviews - serious slightly grovely stuff and I started listening
to the song playing. It was "Flower". If you know the song
you know why it first shocked then cracked me up. If you don't suffice
to say that one of the lyrics in the song is where she tells the guy
"[she] want[s] to be [his] blow job queen." The contrast between
that and the very business-y stuff I was writing was vast enough to
be ridiculous.
Other than that, work's going well.
Love the stuff I'm doing, love the people I'm working with; it's all
really quite grand.

Happy hour tonight was a blast. SS
the SS called me about it on Wednesday, then Demmert
and I arranged the particulars today. I expected to go for an hour then
amble home. Instead there were six of us crowded around a little table
at Mr. Smith's in Georgetown for about 4 hours, drinking cheap rail
drinks, eating bad appetizers, and cracking each other the hell up.
A good end to a draining day.

Doing (life and related tasks): just got
back from happy hour with Demmert, SS
the SS, and a couple of others.
Doing (crafty stuff): continuing the knitting
a sweater out of some fluffy plum colored yarn.
Wanting: a good night's sleep.
Anticipating: volunteering at the book
fair and hopefully scrounging up some fun going out plans.