Listening: "Sinnerman" by Nina
Reading (perhaps quality): Finished with
The Return of the King. Looking for something else interesting.
Reading (definitely pulp): Seriously. I'm
ready for anything now.
Drinking: Water.
December 21, 2002
6:02 pm
(Note - if you've ever wondered what
my bathroom looks like, this is the entry for you!)

Crafting Resin Emergency, Stat!
and I had a blast making our resin magnets.
We'd originally talked about doing
the resin at her place - she's got some space outside and the stuff
really stinks. But things were running late and I offered my bathroom
as an alternate. She came over a little later than planned - magnets
at the ready, resin in hand. We pawed through confetti to pick out pieces
that would work with the images in the magnets, set up the bathroom,
and figured we were home free.
Talullah with a last second half-up, trying to open the damn can
Alas, no. The resin was some fiberglass
resin - fine for boats and all but the tan color wouldn't do for us.
With me sitting in the bathtub and she standing by the door (hey - even
the wrong resin really stinks) we debated whether we could use the wrong
resin and say it was a sepia-toned artistic statement. After deciding
no we tore out of the house and up to Michael's to buy some of the right

(Above) me, in the bathtub.
After a car ride of New Years Eve planning
(verdicts - yes there will be dancing, and yes its worthwhile to invite
people who will be able to come only after midnight) we made it back
to the house. Opening the resin can was the next challenge - the two
of us and a screwdriver managed it after a few minutes and some almost-swearing.

(Above) resin, catalyst, and high-tech funnel
Intending to float confetti in the
resin, we made the magnets (you can see some of them, above) in two
layers. We mixed the first layer, gagged from the smell, rapidly poured,
then ran out of the bathroom to let the stuff harden.
Ten minutes later we headed back in.
Confetti was hard to work with, having resin-sticky fingers and all.
I didn't end up using it but Talullah put it in a couple of her pieces.
Mixed and poured the second layer and started cleaning up.

(Above) me, stirring the second layer batch
So now I have an apartment redolent
of resin, a bathroom filled with craft accouterments, and some magnets
that look rather dodgy but that could turn out cool. We'll see...

Doing (life and related tasks): Prepping
for the holidays.
Doing (crafty stuff): What? Isn't the entry
crafty enough for you?
Wanting: To get this damn resin smell out
of the apartment.
Anticipating: Seeing the fam next week.