


Listening: The refrigerator running.

Reading (perhaps quality): Still with Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.

Drinking: Water.

February 13, 2003
10:18 pm

No time to write but had to show off the fabulous present Foster and Fabian just brought by for me:

the hold me pillow

It's part of a long joke - A while back I was saying how one of the worst things about being single is that you start to miss non-sexual physical contact. I mean I have friends I can hug but it's not the same as when you're dating someone and there's a person who's always willing to touch you (and who it's a little less fraught with). I was complaining, saying that I was like one of those babies that starts to get sick and die because no one was holding them.

Since then it's a running joke. And of the three of us bust out with a command to "Hold Me" whenever it seems suitable (or definitely unsuitable).

I love the pillow. And I'm incredibly touched that Foster took the time to make it, and that the two of them came over to give it to me. We hung out for a while and talked. I held that heart during a large portion of their visit and and haven't let it go since. Thanks babes, for a great start to Valentines Day!

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): a bunch of user testing and analysis at work.

Doing (crafty stuff): Starting a pull through scarf...

Wanting: Some sleep. And a new dresser.

Anticipating: Not sure.

last one everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page next one


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.