Listening: The hum of my hard drive.
Reading (perhaps quality): Wives and
Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell. Finding myself alternately interested
and annoyed.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Clear cold water.
March 06, 2003
9:14 pm
Huzzah - beley's
almost back!
Yup. dear, dear beley's moving back
to DC. I believe he gets here tomorrow. I don't expect to hear from
him for a few days (am not sure where he's staying and he's got a cast
of thousands thrilled to have him finally back on this coast) but looking
very forward to seeing him. In my pre-grad-school DC days beley was
a huge part - we hung out quite a bit, I dated a bunch of his friends,
etc. He's like a brother, but without the family baggage. And he's utterly
completely fabulous (a compliment I don't throw around lightly). So
hooray and can't wait to see you, babe!

The rest of life hasn't been quite
so hurrah.
Mostly have been busy at work. There
are four big projects I'm working on, plus heading and coming up with
discussion topics and materials for a division-wide user group. The
meetings alone are a lot of time, then this week I had the chance to
hear a presentation over at AARP on designing for older users (was really
good) which meant I spent even less time in the office. From the time
I walk in until I leave I barely have time to think - in some ways it's
great because I need deadlines to get things done, but sometimes it
takes me a little bit (like half a cup of coffee) in the morning just
to wrap my mind around everything I've got to do.
Otherwise? Have been a bad daughter
and only in the last couple of days have returned my parents phone calls.
Was getting home late (out for dinner and/or drinks with SS
the SS, Marie, Carrie,
etc) but even on the nights I came home earlier I just didn't want to
talk to anyone. The cold weather has really been getting to me, after
the mountains of snow and cold and wind I just can't wait for spring.

Doing (life and related tasks): Crazy busy
at work. Doing some laundry tonight. Should be cleaning my apartment
as it looks like the kind of mess that takes weeks (instead of days)
to develop.
Doing (crafty stuff): Working on some knitting.
Wanting: To figure out how to turn the
radiator off in the living room. And a bookshelf because the placing-my-stereo-on-top-of-a-pile-of-books
look is getting old.
Anticipating: Hopefully seeing HK this
weekend (she'll be in town). And the usual, entirely good round of boy
and friend plans.