Listening: "Ballad of Ladyman"
by Sleater Kinney (best lyric - "I could be demure like girls who
are soft for boys who are fearful of getting an earful... But I gotta
Reading (perhaps quality): finished Playing
the Bones, paused on The Secret Book of Grazia dei Rossi.
Reading (definitely pulp): an Anne Perry
mystery novel.
Drinking: Cold coffee.
March 13, 2003
1:35 pm
Was going to say that I'm in a grumpy
mood but so many of these things start that way. And besides, I'm really
not. I am, however, trying to avoid getting too tainted by the more
drama-queen-ish of the people around me. But then I think about the
times I let my own general dissatisfaction leak everywhere and remind
myself to be a bit more generous with other people.
Actually the whole thing has been a
good chance to practice saying to myself that I'm doing the best I can,
that other people's comments are just that and don't need to be taken
personally. Ann Lamott wrote that sometimes the universe goes a little
crazy to distract you so that something beautiful has space to be born
- I figure something big and absolutely amazing is on the way to account
for all the static I've been hearing lately)
But all's well. Things are coming along
on my purple sweater - put a knitting update up and will include images
of the sweater as I progress. The grecian plait lace pattern is a bit
of a pain to work but it's routine (and quite lovely). Have a million
half finished knitting projects (they're a lot of fun to start but lots
of work to do) but think I may actually complete this one. I'm forcing
myself to knit at least a couple of rows a day which has made the project
move and reminds me that it's there.

SS the SS and I went to IKEA last night.
She was looking for some furniture and I was looking for a bookcase.
Am still looking for a bookcase (the one I have from D is black and
they don't have any black ones there) but did snag some runner rugs
for the space between the living room and dining room and much needed
kitchen gear. The store was empty and SS the SS and I had a nice time
looking through the showroom rooms (why is there 730 square foot apartment
so much bigger than mine?) and catching up.

Doing (life and related tasks): The workday
has been busy with project meetings all for things with May release
dates (so no relief anytime soon).
Doing (crafty stuff): Almost done with
the Grecian Plait portion of the back of my sweater.
Wanting: To figure out how to turn the
radiator off in my living room because it's really warm and neither
direction seems to make it stop.
Anticipating: Doint the bustle thing for
D dress (Demmert D and I are meeting tonight to learn how), some fun
plans this weekend.