Listening: "Bionic Eyes" by Liz
Reading (perhaps quality): Nada. Suggestions?
Reading (definitely pulp): A really horrid
mystery that I picked up at the beach. I mean I like gothic trash and
all but I stared out the metro window rather than read it.
Drinking: Nothing.
August 21, 2003
10:23 pm
My sore thoat is taunting me. It goes
away. Then comes back. Then goes away again. And right when I'm about
to stick the lozenges back into the medicine cabinet it returns, roaring.
I'd say it sucks but I already used that joke.
Am sad anyways - looks like I'll have
to give up my swank seat at work. Since I arrived there a year-and-a-few-months
ago I've been luxuriating in a section leader's cubicle. It's tres sweet
- in a corner and with high walls so I have a decent amount of privacy
(or as much as one could get in a large open room). But it looks like
someone else will be moving into my space and I'm being relegated to
a cubicle. I know I can't complain since I've had a great space for
a while, and of course when my boss asked if I minded moving there was
only one answer I was going to give her. But I'd be ridiculous if I
didn't say I'm going to miss my old desk. Sigh.
Otherwise? Got a haircut that's a little
shorter than I expected and layered all crazysexy. I can't put my hair
up in a bun anymore without wispy tendrils all over the place, that's
how sexy this hair is. Am going out with the girls tomorrow night for
some dancing and so in guess it'll come in handy. That should be fun
- its a big crew of us who don't usually get together... am sure everyone'll
behave and a god time'll be had. I just hope I can get my throat taken
care of, otherwise it'll be a croaky evening for me...

Doing (life and related tasks): Should
be cleaning but watched one of my Netflix movies instead.
Doing (crafty stuff): Or maybe should be
doing something crafty instead?
Wanting: This damn sore throat to really
go away.
Anticipating: All manners of craziness
this weekend.