iced tea


iced tea

Listening: "Feeling Massachusetts" by Juliana Hatfield

Reading (perhaps quality): Nothing right now.

Reading (definitely pulp): Ditto.

Drinking: Water and Theraflu (separately, together, whatever'll work).

August 23, 2003
10:02 pm

Was supposed to be seeing Better than Ezra tonight at that Live on Penn concert series with Marie and 3-String. Instead I'm home, sola and sick.

But of course, the story doesn't start there....

Leigh's bachelorette party last night was a complete blast. D, Demmert and Foster had picked up the paraphernalia on Wednesday (was supposed to go with them but that was the day of the crazysexy haircut which ran late) so when I met up with them at the East Falls Church metro they had everything assembled and ready to go. We drove to meet up with Leigh and Porter - he was supposed to bring her to a bar then we were going to "kidnap" her from there.

The pick-up went pretty hitchless. We ended up driving about a car behind them for part of the ride, but thanks to Foster's observant eyes and D's car's quick turning radius we avoided detection. In the parking lot we assembled our costumes (boas and Zorro masks) and gathered Leigh's (bigger boa, blindfold, pin, decorated umbrella). Masks on we went into the bar, made Porter laugh when he saw us, and made the rest of the customers look curiously at us for a moment before they went back to their drinks. Porter bought a round, which we downed quickly (masks still on) before we headed out to meet up with the rest of the girls. The original plan was to keep Leigh blindfolded for the ride but that was unsettling her stomach so we made up outrageous lies about where we were going instead.

(above) Demmert, D, Foster, me and Leigh - semi masked

Grabbed a booth at Mackey's and waited for the other girls to show up. Ordered beers, food and talked. Mel and Jackie arrived and joined in. Was a group that's rarely all together so was cool to all get a chance to hang out and talk. Someone (Leigh?) bought us all roses which Foster and I wore halfway down our shirts, making us look like parodies of beer wenches and itch from the thorn remnants.

(Above) Foster and I with roses - unfortunately they were out of the shot

On to Sign of the Whale where we met up with Carrie and a friend of hers. It's a long night... I think there was something about her needing to talk to a guy with the same name as her fiancé, several shots, and something involving bubblegum lips.

Then on to the Madhatter which had broken air-conditioning, loud music, and was packed to the point where no one had anything resembling personal space. We got up on the benches and sang along to Bon Jovi and whatever else was playing, our formerly semi-luxurious boas looking very bedraggled.

(Above) me, looking dismayed at my boa

Last stop was Rumors where everyone was several years younger than us, the music was middling, and we were starting to get tired. After about an hour we split up, I joined Mel and Carrie over The Bottom Line then headed home soon after.

Woke up this morning and couldn't talk. Nope. Not at all. Okay maybe a hoarse whisper. I actually picked up the phone and my mom told me to get off it immediately, once she realized I wasn't dying. Went to CVS to pick up a pad of paper to write on and some cough and cold stuff and am hoping it'll all work soon. Have only had laryngitis once before but that time I had warning this time nothing. I mean I'm sure the smoky bars and shouting didn't help, but really...

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Cleaning. Sleeping. Quietly.

Doing (crafty stuff): Must get started on something soon.

Wanting: My voice to come back.

Anticipating: The party at D and Fergus's manana.

iced tea everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page iced tea


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.