Listening: "I'm the Girl" by
Heather Nova
Reading (perhaps quality): What Looks
Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day by Pearl Clege
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Water.
August 24, 2003
9:15 pm
My only phone conversation of the day
went something like this:
- Foster: Hello?
- Mo: (whispering) I have laryngitis.
- Foster: Do you have laryngitis? Poor thing.
- Mo: Can I have a ride to the party today?
- Foster: What?
- Mo: Can I have a ride today?
- Foster: Sure. I'll be there in about 15 minutes.
- Mo: Mmmm hmm.
- Foster: (pause) And hey, at least now you won't have to worry about
talking with your exbf.
- Mo: (laughing, but voice getting really raspy now) or anyone else.
Yup, still am voice-free. That's not
entirely true (I can whisper) but talking really talking is still completely
beyond me.

Doing (life and related tasks): Trying
to get better.
Doing (crafty stuff): Nada right now.
Wanting: My voice.
Anticipating: Flash class this week.