iced tea


iced tea

Listening: "Get it While You Can" by Janis Joplin. And of course I'm singing along.

Reading (perhaps quality): Face of an Angel by Denise Chavez.

Reading (definitely pulp): Just finished I, Tina by Tina Turner.

Drinking: Some water. Thinking about opening a bottle of wine.

September 09, 2003
9:26 pm

As I said on the main page I have some serious reservations about this design. But I figured it was time to do something new. And maybe I'll tone it down later. And damn, I'm tired (started working on this at 9:26 it's over an hour later now).

Speaking of tired have been talking lately with a couple of friends (Foster and Sarah) who just started the new semester of grad school and reminiscing with Marie who also is on the other side of that masters degree trek. They've been talking about courseloads and tons of reading and papers and projects, and unlike last year I felt nostalgic but mostly grateful that's over. I think about going back to school and picking up another Masters or a Ph.D., but I've realized I'm far too happy with my work at work to want to distract myself from it. That and I love love love having my evenings and weekends free.

Even with that free time and my not-so-new single status I'm finding it hard to catch up with a number of people. Finally have caught up with Beley on the phone after weeks of phone tag. We exchanged stories and made plans to catch up next time we're actually both in town at the same time. Have plans to meet up next week with Talullah who I haven't seen in a while, dinner with A-Train Thursday night, nascent January vacation plans with Lourdes and Bibi, and of course several things with SS the SS, D, Demmert, and Foster. I guess that makes it sound like there's no problem meeting up with folks. But if you compare that with how often I'd been getting out the weeks before that, well you'd see.

Have been feeling some, well a lot of, renewed energy and interest in seeing new things. Maybe it's all the new people around, or just not having plans locked in every weekend but lately I've been getting out a lot more. Went to an exhibit of 19th century Navajo weaving over at the Textile Museum with the wife of a friend of mine from grad school. The exhibit was awesome (the patterns striking, colors often lustrous years and years later), the building amazing (gorgeous gardens in the middle of the city, beautiful old house) and the company great (Tom's wife who really does have a name of her own - is really interesting to talk to, very cool). Definitely a good time.

Now it's off to the same old same old bed of mine for some rest before another day of Flash training. My usability/accessibility self has trouble imagining how I can use Flash for good, but I'll have to find a way soon or lose it. In the meantime it's definitely fun, though.

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Cleaning. Things have gotten a bit of a mess in here lately.

Doing (crafty stuff): Some fortune cookie fortune magnets.

Wanting: Some inspiration. And bookshelves.

Anticipating: Maybe getting my furniture delivered this week?

iced tea everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page iced tea


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.