Listening: The Blues (that PBS special)
is on right now. Though I'm not really watching the music is cool...
Reading (perhaps quality): Am between books.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
September 28, 2003
9:25 pm
In the last week I got a cat. Yup.
I have a cat. I'm a late-20's spinster librarian with a cat. Thank goodness
she (my cat, Anna) is just so cute.

(above) Anna, checking out something on my floor
(above) Anna looking unimpressed by my camera
The cat's sweet and so far well trained
and very affectionate but I'm still adjusting to having her around to
having anyone around the apartment with me. I feel guilty when away
from the house, despite the way she practically ushers me out of the
door in the morning so she can get some sleep. Would that she would
sleep more at night... her pathetic meowings outside my bedroom door
keep me both awake and guilty (I love her but with some allergy issues
prefer to sleep in a cat-free zone).
So we've been together a week now and
both seem to be adjusting. Am glad to have her around. Hope she feels
the same.

Doing (life and related tasks): Dad and
Carmen were here, work's been busy, Foster and Fabian had a party, and
I got a cat.
Doing (crafty stuff): Nada.
Wanting: Nothing right now, really.
Anticipating: A more quiet week.