
  moryma dot com


Listening: Sleater Kinney's One Beat album. I loooove "Step Aside"

Reading (perhaps quality): Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water
by Marc Reisner

Reading (definitely pulp): re-reading Needful Things by Stephen King

Drinking: one of D and Fergus's tres yummy home brews.

December 29, 2003
10:16 pm

The rest of the year is bound to be busy so I wanted to get this up while it was still 2003.

Wow. 2003. Almost done. My first full year back in DC, a really great one overall but with a lot of changes.

(February/March) Grandmothers getting ill - Made trips out to Texas to visit one grandmother and to New Mexico to visit another. In one case she got better, in the other she didn't. Both trips made me realize their frailty, made me appreciate anew the incredible women they are and made me grateful for the boundless love they show me.

(March) Bachelorettes begin - Though I've had friends get married before, this was the first time (for Demmert and D) I got to help plan and/or just enjoy the pre wedding festivities.

(April) One passing - my mother's mother died in New Mexico. Was good to be with family, to participate in the Catholic (funerary) and country (filling the grave) rituals. Still can't believe she's gone. Part of me still hopes if I don't think about it it just won't be true.

(April) Two weddings - there were nine weddings for me in 2003 but Demmert and Darren's and D and Fergus's are linked in my mind because they were only a couple of weeks apart and were the first two I was able to attend. Gorgeous ceremonies and receptions of course, but even better was seeing good friends marry great guys.

(May) Permanent! - after a mere 11 months on temporary appointments I got a permanent position at the Library. Hooray!

(June) Another wedding - Tess and Troy up in Amherst. This was marked by a horrible drive up, a great reading to do, a gorgeous ceremony, the joy of seeing two of my favorite people just so damn happy, and having a whole day to catch up with HK.

(August) Remembering that things do go on - broke up with Hoover after 8 months and while it was about the easiest most civilized situation I've ever been a part of it was still an adjustment. Thanks to Mel, Jennie, Carol and a great weekend at the beach I managed to get my groove and good mood back in short order.

(September) Anna arrives - got a cat. Anna's a character and a half. Despite her affection for scratching carpets and meowing all night (yes all night) she's a darling, very affectionate (she hates to be held but loves to snuggle) and great to have around. And her stub of a tail just cracks me up every time I see it.

(October) Another passing - my father's father in Texas. This one was more of a surprise, but then again Elmer always was a curmudgeon. Wonderful to spend time with the family, in the embrace of church rituals that though unfamiliar to me were so important to him.

Between a lot of new beginnings for my friends and endings for my family it's been a topsy-turvy year. But a good one that's made me and a lot of my relationships stronger. Wouldn't want to go through it again, am glad it's done.

So tonight I'm here with a bottle of beer open next to me, my cat at my feet, a mostly content mood, and boundless optimism for a great 2004. Not sure if I'll have a shot to write in the next couple of days but if I don't Happy New Year to all (and to me a good night!)

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Recovering from Mom's visit (in a good way).

Doing (crafty stuff): So much crafting - knitting and embroidery galore.

Wanting: My apartment to be a little cooler (my radiators are crazy-effective).

Anticipating: Some good times for new years.

last footer everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page next


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.