Listening: Kim Wilde by Charlotte
Reading (perhaps quality): Possession
by A.S. Byatt.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
February 25, 2005
11:45 am
There are many reasons why I love my
friend Beley. He's a brilliant PR man, immense
amounts of fun, always up for an adventure, a mad flirt, could drink
me under several tables, gives great hugs and even better advice (first
carefully listening to the story, asking questions, looking for the
kind of outcome you want, then offering something tailored to that and
Was even more charmed today. We're
meeting up in Silver Spring before going to a party over at the boys'
house (he works up there and it's easier for me to head that way straight
from work than go home and turn back) and were discussing where to rendezvous.
- Beley: How about at 6 in downtown Silver
- Mo: Cool. But where in particular? Discovery
Building? Movie
Theater? Borders?
- Beley: Lets meet in the romance section
of Borders! Intriguing!
- Mo: Babe - *any* place you are is the
romance section. See you there, then!
So the boy cracks me the hell up. And
I'm grateful to have him in my life.

Done with lunch and back
to work. But a boy like Beley's definitely worth a break.

Doing (life and related tasks): Taking
lunch right now.
Doing (crafty stuff): Knitting together
yarn scraps for a patchwork blanket.
Wanting: To get ride of this crazy cold
of mine.
Anticipating: Some fun this weekend!