Listening: Once is Enough by Lyle
Reading (perhaps quality): Finished the
last two Harry Potter books over Thanksgiving.
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing now but definitely coffee
November 30, 2005
5:29 am
I've been up since about 3:30 - first
I thought it was a mistake, then a brief thing but after trying to drift
then sleep then just to lie still I realized it was best to give up
the ghost and get the hell up. The question I have - how can I feel
sleepy when up out of bed yet so awake when lying down?
If nothing else, it is giving me time
to catch up...

Last Friday, Mom and I went to a Dali/Picasso/Surrealist
exhibition over at the Wadsworth Athenaeum. She wanted to go and she's
claimed that I'm the only one of her daughters who actually likes museums.
While I'm not a huge surrealism fan I didn't want to make her go by
herself - the woman *raised me* for goodness sakes the least I could
do is go look at some bizarre artwork.
The exhibit was fine (loved the Picasso,
some of the photography work was stunning, the rest okay) but the Athenaeum
itself amazed me. Have never been there before and I was wowed by the
size and breadth of the permanent collections. Add in the gorgeous building
and, well the whole thing was a pleasant surprise.
The rest of the weekend was less new
but just as good. Thanksgiving morning we woke to snow - several inches
of good packing snow outside, falling all day. The cooking was easy
with only nine of us at dinner (instead of the usual 20 or so) and conversation
flowing. Mom and I did some shopping, Bug and I caught up, Keith and
I had a deep discussion or two, and the dog and I played keep-away with
her toys.
All the way through, it was great to
be home. I lived in Connecticut only the last couple of years of High
School but so much happened during that time that that town that house
are such a home to me. Am slowly bringing things back with me to DC
- books, yearbooks, old journals and photo albums. That particular feeling
of connection is too sweet to be experienced only the short time that
I'm back there.

When the hell did it get to be so late
in the year? Someone was asking me this morning how it felt to be out
of the Leadership Development Program at work and I admitted I found
it hard to believe that the program year was over much less that it
had been over for more than a month. Its not even as if I've been so
busy lately - until the last couple of weeks or so my mind has been
on nothing but work work work. But now that things are a little more
settled there, I'm looking forward to enjoying things a little (okay,
a lot) more than I have earlier this year.

Other big news? I moved the furniture
in my apartment. I used to move my furniture all the time - as a kid
at least a couple of times a year much to my mother's annoyance. But
even though I've been in this apartment for a few years I hadn't moved
a stitch. Until last week when I hauled furniture around the place and
scootched it into a setup that feels so right its scary. The cat has
adjusted, I've adjusted and I'm already planning something to get folks
over to enjoy it with me.

Doing (life and related tasks): Wondering
when I became such a damn insomniac.
Doing (crafty stuff): Going through scrap
yarn and knitting that stuff up.
Wanting: Some inspiration on how to do
up my bedroom (now that the rest of the place is fixed up).
Anticipating: More like crossing my fingers
about something....