Listening: A Common Disaster, by
Cowboy Junkies
Reading (perhaps quality): The Kite
Runner, by Khaled Hosseini
Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
December 14, 2005
8:15 pm
I so need a better PR agent.
My father and stepmother send out a
Christmas letter every year. More accurate to say my father does - while
Carmen doesn't disapprove or anything its his initiative and effort
through and through. The letter is usually brief and my father crafts
it meticulously. He's a great writer - very deliberate and very funny.
And yet most years I wonder how he
can turn my life which in general I'm really happy with and which is
exciting in a hosts of ways and make it sound so... I don't even know.
Boring? Sad? Prosaic? Small?
I know that a huge part of it is the
comparison. My siblings have kids galore which I admit make easy and
great copy. And that currently my life lacks some of the standard milestones
(new job, new degree, property, husband, baby) that make it simple to
show progression.
This year I had to write a one page
professinal bio for myself, for the Leadership Development Program so
I know how hard it is to place life in sentences that are real and true
and accurate and not irrepably dorky. So I feel for the man.
But still? Come on... All I know is
that next year I'm going to see if he'll let me be a contributor...

Doing (life and related tasks): Finishing
things up on this detail at work.
Doing (crafty stuff): Scrap yarn knitting,
Wanting: More sleep!
Anticipating: Going out to California for
the holidays.