iced tea


iced tea

Listening: I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness

Reading (perhaps quality): My Name is Red, by Orhan Pamuk (Author), Erdag Goknar (Translator)

Reading (definitely pulp): Down a Dark Hall by Lois Duncan

Drinking: Wanting some coffee. Always.

January 16, 2008
8:21 pm

Yeah. Had been thinking about writing an end-of-the-year-sum-up but really until it was done I wasn't sure how it was going to end. Name a part of my life and there was uncertainty in it.

And ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you just how much I hate uncertainty.

I mean don't get me wrong - as always the basics (great family, awesome friends, good health, interesting job) are more than there. I am well aware of the ways I'm so very fortunate. But there was some wonkiness in my job (and I love everything about my job), a hell of a lot of wonkiness with my then-beau (and I loved most things about him), and some sickness I just couldn't shake (and okay, there's nothing I love about being sick). And all of those things the best thing I could do was wait.

Waiting isn't something I do particularly well. I like knowing where things are going, feeling like they're moving forward in some way. I can't count the number of times where I've taken a bad certain situation over a potentially good unknown. Maybe its not liking admitting I can't control things, maybe its that whole devil-you-know thing, but whatever it is it had me in my grip.

So, it was mid-December and there I was. With the sickness I knew viruses have to run their course so all I could do was catch up on sleep and drink lots of liquids. With the job if I held on I could be pretty sure the weird patch would segue into something better. With the then-beau I had no idea of anything but did know that my usual reactions would likely deliver the usual results.

In all of those cases the end of the year was hard. And not fun. But I'm grateful for all that it taught me. Annoyed at the asinine way much of it happened, but genuinely grateful overall.

So that's a long-winded way of saying there'll be no end of the year roundup. I'm confident that I can remember the parts I need to, and leave the rest behind...

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Re-reading for work while catching up on shows on my DVR.

Doing (crafty/moving stuff): It's not crafty but in the last month or so I've been cleaning closets, resulting in about 5 bags of clothes and 4 linear feer of books going out the door.

Wanting: This gross sinus infection to go away.

Anticipating: A whole slate of fun things to over the weekend.

last one everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page next one


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.