iced tea


iced tea

Listening: Watching The Simpsons.

Reading (perhaps quality): The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Syglass, by Phillip Pullman

Reading (definitely pulp): Nothing right now

Drinking: Some delicious delicious Dr. Pepper

March 3, 2008
8:42 pm

This is only the second time in five years that I've driven. The group of trips to GMU last month went great and I felt good behnind the wheel. And then doing it again this month told me that that wasn't a fluke. I feel relatively comfortable on the highway and could do the drive to Manassas in my sleep. Traffic has never been particularly heavy (knock on wood) and after I pass Centreville things become really empty and the road wide open.

And in general I've been happy with the cars I've gotten from the rental agencies, but my truly standards are low. They absolutely have to be cheap, and because my parking skills are hardly mad I prefer them to be as small as possible. Last time I ended up with a 2-door silver Chevy Cobalt, this time I've had a couple of blue Kia Rios. I'm now a fan of the Cobalt, less so with the Kia. I like how its so compact but its a bit of a gas hog and to say that the Kia lacks pickup is an understatement.

Still, when I drive I am such an old lady. Even as I'm belting songs along with the radio I never forget my lack of driving experience and am accordingly cautious with my speed (no more than 8 mph above the speed limit) and following distance (at least 2 seconds). Accordingly I spend most of my time in the far right lane along with the tourists and trucks.

But every once in a while even I have to bust out. When I'm traveling behind someone who's traveling decidedly-under-the-speed-limit glacially slow (annoying) or driving erratically (frightening) I'll pass and vamoose myself away from them.

Which brings me to my drive in this morning. I'm riding along in the right lane at my 8mph above the limit and come up on a car that's going just below the limit. I look more closely and its some kind of badass Camaro, black, low, with customized paint. So I'm following with my two seconds and realizing we're not going any faster.

Now, even I see no need to go below the speed limit, so I pass the car. I look over to the right as I pass and the car's being driven by the kind of cholo looking guy you'd imagine, the scootch in front of him and carry on.

It just seemed so funny to me - I mean I don't know if there was something up with his car, or if he had time to kill, if he really really didn't want to get pulled over for speeding but it cracked me up that this guy placed an incredible amount of energy and care in having a badass car and look and yet let himself be passed by a dinky car like mine. Maybe because there was no one else to witness it? Because I know its not because I can out-posture a cholo!

a m. just a m

Doing (life and related tasks): Cleaning the apartment so there's all manner of sorting and moving going on.

Doing (crafty/moving stuff): Not much - have to get on the couple of baby presents I've been planning.

Wanting: Some rest, already.

Anticipating: Upcoming plans should involve more driving, some delish cocktails, good music, and stories too fun to share with the general public.

last one everything else what I'm working on on to the dailies all (well some) about me back to the index page next one


all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.