Listening: Listening to SCORE! 20 Years
of Merge Records right now. A mess of good stuff all in one place.
Reading (perhaps quality): Trying yet again
to read The Diary of Anais Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934. This time
I will prevail!
Reading (definitely pulp): Tore through
High on Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips.
Drinking: Lots and lots of tea.
January 6, 2010
8:12 pm
I've had
a sinus infection since July but this current cold flared up within
a couple of hours of getting home from Christmas in California. What
started with a sudden onset stuffy nose has segued to sniffling to throat
clearing to a cough that sounds like the unholy love child of a seal
and a mad dog. Yesterday people were moving away from me on the metro.
I mean I like personal space more than most folks but making people
fear for their health is no civilized way to get it.
So I've spent the last couple of days
sleeping as much as humanly possible. And when I'm not sleeping, bundled
up in blankets, sitting at my desk with drinks and tissues at the ready.

(above) the view from my desk chair. This was in the pink lemonade
jag this afternoon, after Earl Grey tea and before plain hot water.
Its exotic, this life I lead...

On the upside the nyquil delirium led
me to finally finding a use for an anchor bookmark that I discovered
in my desk drawer. As a lifelong page-folder-over I rarely use bookmarks
and metal ones always seemed even more ridiculous. But throw away DG
paraphernalia? As a former rituals chair? Surely you jest! So, voila!

(above) my hair, held in check
Who needs a chopstick (or pen, or pencil,
or swizzle stick, or even a straw in dire circumstances)? Not me. And
yup the fuschia stripes you see are not an artefact of the photo - they're
remnants of Foster's last excellent dye job
on me.

Amazingly enough am finding myself
sleepy again. One more cup of tea and cross fingers the seal/dog is
at bay.

Doing (life and related tasks): Sleeping.
Blowing my nose. Drinking copious but still inadequate amounts of tea.
Chugging nyquil. Any any any thing that'll get rid of this cold.
Doing (arty or crafty stuff): The site
redesign over the last few days; working steadily on the still-unnamed
Wanting: A way to better regulate either
my apartment or my internal thermostat (both?).
Anticipating: Three Kings Day this weekend!