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Breakups - Though hardly a musical genius, Neil Sedaka had the right idea. What to do when it's all over? (from the chickpages days, posted December 12, 2003)

Dating can be a freaky thing and any illusion of control is something most people cling to. There are two main types of dating supersitions: Things to Look For and Things to Avoid - (from the chickpages days, posted December 12, 2003)


Riding the Rails (cross country trip; May 27- June 3, 2002; posted July 30, 2002)

SIMS Graduation (the big cap, hood and gown wearing day where my name is predictably mispronounced; May 19, 2002; posted August 10, 2002)


Absolute Archive (collection of the absolute latests)

My weekly horoscope (analysis of the predictions, before and after; first posted March 6, 2003 and almost never updated)


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all text, images (except those noted) copyright 2002-2010 Moryma Aydelott.